Ho, Ho… Ho No…
Winter Festivities May Bring Unwanted Allergic Reactions, Top NYC Allergists Explain
Enjoy Holiday Merriment without Looking Like Rudolph with These NYC Allergist Tips
The whole red nose thing is quaint in this animated holiday classic, but we’re guessing you’d prefer your nose not be red and pulsating this winter. No worries. We’ve got you. Here is a quick list of some of the most common allergy irritants to watch out for.

Food and Drinks: You’re used to planning around your food allergies or alcohol intolerance, but holiday festivities may find you off your game. Carry an EpiPen if you’ve been prescribed one for severe food allergies, and make sure you have a specific allergy plan in place for events like office parties and family dinners at your partner’s brother-in-law’s mom’s house.
Your Stuff… and Theirs: Depending on how you stored last year’s decorations, you could be opening up a world of sneezing. Be prepared to wipe everything down before you set it up — and do the same before you pack it away this time. That step combined with an air-tight storage system can save you a pre-setup wipe down next year.
But, there’s no accounting for what you encounter at other people’s homes. Talk to your allergist about what solutions to keep on hand if you are reactive to dust, mold, and pet dander. This is not a “holiday surprise” you want to be stuck feeling unprepared for.

Poinsettias: Most people have heard that this plant can be semi-toxic to pets, but you might not be aware that it can also be an irritant to you if you have a latex allergy. Steer clear of these pretty holiday plants if you are prone to latex rashes.
All That Smelly Stuff: From candles to perfumes to incense, the holidays can feel like something of a barrage to the olfactory senses. If you are sensitive to scents, you may want to have an action plan in place for how to deal with highly saturated scent environments. We can work with you to brainstorm solutions.