Give it a shot
Have you heard of allergy shots?
(And no, we’re not talking about tequila to forget you’re sneezing.)
Also known as “Allergen Immunotherapy,” this is a long-term treatment option for patients – both adults and children – with with allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, and other conditions.
Allergy shots decrease a patient’s sensitivity to allergens, which can lead to longer lasting relief from allergy symptoms, like runny or stuffy noses, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and more.
How do allergy shots work?
Allergy shots, a.k.a. Allergen Immunotherapy treatments, work by exposing the body to injected amounts of an allergen protein, given in gradually increasing doses. This helps the body build a tolerance, or immunity, to the allergen.
One or two times a week, you’d receive a shot that gradually builds up in increasing amounts of the allergen. After the shot is administered, you hang out for about 30 minutes, just to be monitored for any reactions that might occur. Once an effective dose is reached, which is determined by your sensitivity and response, we’ll move you to the maintenance phase.
Maintenance allergy shots are usually given every 4 weeks; however, your allergist will help you determine what’s appropriate for you.
It is worth it for YOU to give allergy shots a shot?
If you suffer from ongoing allergy symptoms that are affecting your life and driving you crazy, then it’s definitely worth a shot! There’s nothing to lose but the box of tissues you’ve been carrying around.
Set up an appointment today with one of our expert allergists, and let us give you a shot an allergy-free lifestyle.